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1072 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Cover PSC NH I-5, etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot coupler cover, curved. PSC NH I-5, etc.  15/32" wide x5/16" high ..

1072-1 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Cover, curved
HO BRASS steam loco pilot coupler cover, curved.39/64" wide x 3/8" high   u/p   ..

1072-11 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Pump Shield Set  PSC PSC NH L-1 etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot pump sheild set. PSC NH L-1  etc.  7/32" wide shield x 37/64" hi..

1072-14 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Steps
Steam Loco, freight pilot, or tender end-beam steps, 15/32"W step x 7/16" to top of strap. f/p ..

1072-15 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Staffs
Steam Loco pilot staffs, 27/64 high x 3/64 diameter base  u/p - Pkg. 2 ..

1072-16 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Pocket
HO BRASS steam loco pilot coupler pocket.  5/16" W overall x 1/8"H (7/64" x 3/64" opening) &nbs..

1072-17 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Pocket w/airhose strap
HO BRASS steam loco pilot coupler pocket w/airhose strap.  5/16"W overall x 9/64"H  (7/64"..

1072-18 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Pocket w/airhose mount
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler pocket with airhose mount.    19/64"  wide fac..

1072-2 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Cover, curved PSC SP AC-9 etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot coupler cover, curved, hinged. PSC AC-9  etc.  19/64" wide x 23/..

1072-21 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Pocket for side swing coupler
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler pocket for side swing.    7/32"W x 7/32"H  (1/..

1072-22 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Swing Coupler Assembly
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler swing coupler ass'y.    31/64"W x 13/64"H  (13..

1072-23 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Swing Coupler Assembly PSC SOU etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler ass'y. PSC Southern Tennessean etc.)    27/64"W x 3/16"H..

1072-24 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Drop Coupler On Mount
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler on mount.    1/2"W x 7/64"H mount x 37/64Long coupler &a..

1072-25 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler On Mount PSC DMIR Yellowstone, etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler on mount. PSC DMIR Yellowstone, etc.  5/16"W x 5/32"H coupler..

1072-26 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler On Mount PSC NP Z-5, etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler on mount.  19/64"W x 3/16"H  (3/8"W x 23/64L mount) (5/3..

1072-27 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler On Mount PSC Milwaukee F-6, etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler on mount. PSC Milw. F-6 etc.   7/32"W x 13/64"H coupler ..

1072-28 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler.   5/32"W x 31/64L   f/p   pkg.1 ..

1072-29 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler short shank PSC ATSF Blue Goose etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler, short shank. PSC ATSF Blue Goose, etc.     5/64"W ..

1072-3 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Cover, curved PSC SP etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot coupler cover, curved. PSC SP  etc.  15/32" wide x 5/16" high&nb..

1072-30 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler short shank PSC B&O EM-1 etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler, short shank. PSC B&O EM-1, etc.   5/64"W tongue x 1..

1072-31 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler short shank PSC SP AC, etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler, short shank. PSC SP AC, etc.  1/16"W tongue x 11/64"L  ..

1072-32 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler short shank
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler, short shank.     5/64"W tongue x 1/8"L  (9/32..

1072-33 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler Pocket, 3-Prong
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler pocket w/3 prongs.    3/64"W tongue x 7/64"H tongue x 1/..

1072-34 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler, Long Shank
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler with long shank.      5/64"W tongue x 19/64"L (31/6..

1072-35 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler long shank
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler with long shank.   1/16"W tongue x 1/4"L (7/16"L overall)&nbs..

1072-36 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Coupler long shank PSC SP5000 etc.
HO brass steam loco pilot coupler with long shank. PSC SP5000, etc.  5/64"W tongue x 17/64"L x ..

1072-4 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Pilot Plow PSC DMIR 2-8-0 etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot plow.  PSC DMIR 2-8-0  etc.  1-13/64" wide x 1/4" high ends..

1072-5 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Pilot Plow PSC SP AC etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot plow. PSC SP AC  etc.  1-21/64" wide x 3/8" high overall; extend..

1072-6 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Pump Assembly PSC Erie K-5 etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot pump ass'y. PSC Erie K-5  etc.  1-1/64" wide x 29/64" high ..

1072-8 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Pump Shield Assembly PSC DRGW etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot pump shield ass'y . PSC DRGW 4-6-6-4  etc.  7/8" wide x 41/64" h..

1072-9 HO BRASS Steam Loco Pilot Pump Shield Assembly PSC C&O J-3 etc.
HO BRASS steam loco pilot pump shield ass'y, angled. PSC C&O J-3  etc.  7/32" wide eac..

1074 - HO Scale - Steam Loco,throttle lever, front-end, lever w/clevis,  - Pkg. 1
1074 - HO Scale - Steam Loco,throttle lever, front-end, lever w/clevis,  - Pkg. 1 ..

1075 - HO Scale - Steam Loco ATC Box    Boo Rim  - Pkg. 1
1075 - HO Scale - Steam loco ATC box, 4-legs w/underside mounting post 5/6" x 1/4" x 6/16" high.&nbs..

1076 - HO Scale - Steam Loco, Air Tank w/Convex ends   Boo Rim  - Pkg. 2
1076 - HO Scale - Steam Loco, air tank, 7/8" long x 7/32" diameter, convex ends  &nbs..

1076-1 - HO Scale - Steam Loco Air Tank w/flat recessed ends  Boo Rim  - Pkg. 2
1076-1 - HO Scale - Steam Loco,air tank, 3/4" long x 3/16" diameter, flat recessed ends. Boo Ri..

2145 -HO Steam Loco,generator,large (B&M etc)  w/platform - Pkg. 2
2145 - Steam Loco,generator,large (B&M etc)  w/platform, brass - Pkg. 2 ..

3001-09 -HO Paired air hoses, 1/4 long hoses, f/p blk - Pkg. 2 pair
3001-09 - Paired air hoses, 1/4 long hoses, f/p blk - Pkg. 2 pair ..

3001-10 -HO Paired air hoses, 1/4 long hoses, f/p gray - Pkg. 2 pair
3001-10 - Paired air hoses, 1/4 long hoses, f/p gray,brass, - Pkg. 2 pair ..

3001-11 -HO Steam loco pilot extended air hoses, single 3/8 long hose; 1-1/2 long overall - Pkg. 2
3001-11 - Steam loco pilot extended air hoses, single 3/8 long hose; 1-1/2 long overall,brass, - Pkg..

3001-12 -HO Steam loco pilot extended air hoses, paired 21/64L hoses; 1-1/2 long overall - Pkg. 2 pair
3001-12 - Steam loco pilot extended air hoses, paired 21/64L hoses; 1-1/2 long overall,brass, - Pkg...

3001-15 -HO Steam loco pilot extended air hoses, paired w/ mounting brackets & shut-off valve, 1-3/4 long overall - Pkg. 1
3001-15 - Steam loco pilot extended air hoses, paired w/ mounting brackets & shut-off valve, 1-3..