Overland UP CA etc., caboose window rock guard etchings. 3/4" high x 15/32" wide. Pkg.4
Overland NKP etc. paired window etching with rivited outline. 9/16" wide x 1/2" high. Pkg.2
Overland caboose stack (ATSF,etc.) with supports. 5/8" high from base. Pkg.1
Overland caboose smoke and vent stacks (SP&S,etc.). Small stack 1/8" ,large 5/16" high from base..
Overland caboose stack (Milwaukee Road,etc.). 1/4" high from base. Pkg.1
Overland caboose stack with supports. 3/4" high from base. Pkg.1
Overland caboose (B&M etc.) step box lights. 1/8" high. Pkg.4
Overland caboose louvered vents. 5/32" square. Pkg.4
Overland caboose cuploa awnings. 1/3/8" wide x 3/16". Pkg.2
Overland caboose compressor box. 3/4" wide x 1/2" high x 1/2" deep. Pkg.1
Overland N/A tank car dome cap. 31/32" diameter. Pkg.1
Overland auto-rack end doors. 3-1/32" high. Pkg. 1 left-1 right
Overland auto-rack end ladders. 3-1/4" high. Pkg.2
Overland (Jordan spreader,etc.) etched raised steps. 1/2" long x 5/32" wide x 1/4" high. Pkg.2
Overland (Jordan spreader,etc.) etched platform with brake wheel. 13/16" x 3/4" deck; wheel stands 1..
Overland Westinghouse Schnabel car parts bag with etched logo,hoses,metric screws,cut levers. 1-1/2"..
Overland Westinghouse Schnabel car parts bag with etched logo,hoses,metric screws,cut levers. 1-1/2"..
Overland Westinghouse Schnabel flat car electrical box with 2 light castings. 1" high x 1-1/8" wide ..
Overland Schnabel flat car etched decking material. 4-3/16" long x 1-3/4" wide. Pkg.1
902 - Overland diesel rock pilots, 2-1/16w x 19/64 deep x 9/32h - Pkg. 2
903.3 - Overland diesel cut lever eyelets,etched. 1/64 ID hole. 13/64 long base, brass - Pkg. ..
904 - Overland diesel folding end platform-walkway ramps. Diamond tread w/tapered edges,w/eyele..
904.2 - Overland diesel folding end platform-walkway ramps w/raised circle tread. Stainless etch. (G..
904.4 - Overland diesel folding end platform-walkway ramps w/diamond tread & folding mount; 3/8w..
904.8 - Overland diesel folding end platform-walkway ramps,stainless, w/Blaw-Knox tread & foldin..
904.9 - Overland diesel folding end platform-walkway ramps w/Blaw-Know open slots & folding moun..
909.1 - Overland diesel beacon light, large beacon on base;, brass 15/64h - Pkg. 1
909.2 - Overland diesel beacon light, small beacon, brass - Pkg. 2
909.7 - Overland diesel flag holder brackets on base; 5/64 square base x 5/64H, brass - Pkg. 2..
909.8 - Overland diesel flag holder brackets on oval base; 5/32 base x 1/16H, brass - Pkg. 2
911.1 - Overland diesel headlight,paired,horizontal w/top shades,cored; 23/64w x 7/32h, brass - Pkg...
911.3 - Overland diesel headlight,paired,horizontal w/top shades,plated,cored; 23/64w x 7/32h x 9/32..
911.5 - Overland diesel headlight,sealed beam,cored; 7/32 diameter outside x 9/32 deep, brass - Pkg...
911.9 - Overland diesel headlight,4-light headlight inserts; 29/64 diameter (1/8 diam.headlite openi..
912 - diesel headlight castings,paired w/visors,cored, brass - Pkg. 2
912.1 - diesel headlight castings,paired w/visors,cored, 1/4h x 3/8w, brass - Pkg. 2
912.2 - Overland diesel headlight;recessed barrel type w/bezel;3/8 diam. X 3/8 deep, brass - Pkg. 1
912.3 - Overland diesel headlight on angled mount bracket; 11/32L x 21/64w, brass - Pkg. 1
912.4 - Overland diesel headlight,cored; 23/64L x 19/64w, brass - Pkg. 1
912.5 - Overland diesel headlight,dual-beam,cored,w/tapered body on mount; 25/64L x 3/8w base, brass..
912.7 - Overland diesel back-up light casting; 11/64 square x 1/16 deep, brass - Pkg. 2
914.2 - Overland diesel airhorn,paired on base; 3.8w x 27/64L, brass - Pkg. 1
914.3 - Overland diesel airhorn,2 singles on posts; 13/32L x 7/32H, brass - Pkg. 2
914.4 - Overland diesel airhorn,single on zig-zag mount; 9/16L x 41/64H overall, brass - Pkg. 1
914.5 - Overland diesel airhorn,paired 2F, on mounting post; 29/64L x 15/64w x 15/64h, brass - Pkg. ..
915.1 - Overland diesel numberboards,side mount,tapered; 15/64 w x 5/16L, brass - Pkg. 2
915.2 - Overland diesel numberboards,side mount, brass 19/32w x 7/32h - Pkg. 2
915.5 - Overland diesel numberboard, nose mount numberboard on post; 3/8 diameter, brass - Pkg. 1
915.6 - Overland diesel numberboard, flush mount; 3/8 diameter, brass - Pkg. 1
915.7 - Overland diesel numberboard,flush mount,plated; 3/8 diameter, brass - Pkg. 1
916.3 - Overland diesel m.u. recepticle set.(1 2-gang/1 2-gang offset) small 11/32h x 1/4w/large 1/2..
916.4 - Overland diesel m.u. recepticles,3-gang, 13/32h x 11/64w, brass - Pkg. 4