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915.2 -O Scale Overland diesel numberboards,side mount  19/32w x 7/32h - Pkg. 2
915.2 - Overland diesel numberboards,side mount, brass  19/32w x 7/32h - Pkg. 2 ..

915.5 -O Scale Overland diesel numberboard, nose mount numberboard on post; 3/8 diameter - Pkg. 1
915.5 - Overland diesel numberboard, nose mount numberboard on post; 3/8 diameter, brass - Pkg. 1 ..

915.6 -O Scale Overland diesel numberboard, flush mount; 3/8 diameter - Pkg. 1
915.6 - Overland diesel numberboard, flush mount; 3/8 diameter, brass - Pkg. 1 ..

915.7 -O Scale Overland diesel numberboard,flush mount,plated;  3/8 diameter - Pkg. 1
915.7 - Overland diesel numberboard,flush mount,plated;  3/8 diameter, brass - Pkg. 1 ..

916.3 -O Scale Overland diesel m.u. recepticle set.(1 2-gang/1 2-gang offset) small 11/32h x 1/4w/large 1/2h x 1/4w - Pkg. 1 set
916.3 - Overland diesel m.u. recepticle set.(1 2-gang/1 2-gang offset) small 11/32h x 1/4w/large 1/2..

916.4 -O Scale Overland diesel m.u. recepticles,3-gang, 13/32h x 11/64w - Pkg. 4
916.4 - Overland diesel m.u. recepticles,3-gang, 13/32h x 11/64w, brass - Pkg. 4 ..

917 -O Scale Overland diesel cab wind screens open,brass, (21/32h overall w/tabs),1/2h x 5/32w body - Pkg. 4
917 - Overland diesel cab wind screens open,brass, (21/32h overall w/tabs),1/2h x 5/32w body, brass ..

917.1 -O Scale Overland diesel cab wind screens,open,brass, (17/32h overall w/tabs), 25/64h x 9/64w body - Pkg. 4
917.1 - Overland diesel cab wind screens,open,brass, (17/32h overall w/tabs), 25/64h x 9/64w body - ..

917.2 -O Scale Overland diesel cab wind screens,open,stainless etch,(15/32h overall w/tabs) 3/8h x 3/16w body  - Pkg. 4
917.2 - Overland diesel cab wind screens,open,stainless etch,(15/32h overall w/tabs) 3/8h x 3/16w bo..

918.3 - O Scale Overland diesel cab wind screensclosed,stainless,w/zig-zag mount(19/32h overall w/tabs)27/64h x 1/8w body - Pkg. 4
918.3 - Overland diesel cab wind screensclosed,stainless,w/zig-zag mount(19/32h overall w/tabs)27/64..

919.1 - Overland diesel cab window outlines,stainless etchings; 31/64h x 3/4L - Pkg. 2
919.1 - Overland diesel cab window outlines,stainless etchings; 31/64h x 3/4L - Pkg. 2 ..

919.3 - Overland diesel cab window outlines,stailnelss etching; 13/16L x 15/32h - Pkg. 2
919.3 - Overland diesel cab window outlines,stailnelss etching; 13/16L x 15/32h - Pkg. 2 ..

919.4 - Overland diesel cab window outlines,stainless etch; 29/64 x 27/64 - Pkg. 2
919.4 - Overland diesel cab window outlines,stainless etch; 29/64 x 27/64 - Pkg. 2 ..

919.8 - Overland diesel window glazing, 21/64 x 17/32 - Pkg. 4
919.8 - Overland diesel window glazing, 21/64 x 17/32 - Pkg. 4 ..

920 - Overland diesel air filters,Salem,(small) 9/16L x 3/16 x 3/16 - Pkg. 2
920 - Overland diesel air filters,Salem,(small) 9/16L x 3/16 x 3/16 - Pkg. 2 ..

920.1 - Overland diesel air filters,Salem,(large) 3/8L x 3/16 x 1/4 - Pkg. 2
920.1 - Overland diesel air filters,Salem,(large) 3/8L x 3/16 x 1/4 - Pkg. 2 ..

921.2 - Overland diesel bell on mount, w/clapper & walkway light 3/8 deep x 7/16w f/p gray - Pkg. 1
921.2 - Overland diesel bell on mount, w/clapper & walkway light 3/8 deep x 7/16w f/p gray - Pkg..

921.5 - Overland diesel bell on large A-frame mount. mount = 13/32w x 5/16h; bell= 7/32h - Pkg. 1
921.5 - Overland diesel bell on large A-frame mount. mount = 13/32w x 5/16h; bell= 7/32h - Pkg. 1 ..

921.7 - Overland diesel bell  on hang-down "V" bracket (solder or glue to bracket) 3/8L - Pkg. 1
921.7 - Overland diesel bell  on hang-down "V" bracket (solder or glue to bracket) 3/8L - Pkg. ..

922 - Overland diesel re-rail frogs on mounts; 13.16w x 9/64deep x 1/4h - Pkg. 2
922 - Overland diesel re-rail frogs on mounts; 13.16w x 9/64deep x 1/4h - Pkg. 2 ..

923.2 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch, (F unit,etc.) 21/64h x 13/64w  - Pkg. 2
923.2 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch, (F unit,etc.) 21/64h x 13/64w  - Pkg. 2 ..

923.3 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch, 1/2w x 17/64h - Pkg. 2
923.3 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch, 1/2w x 17/64h - Pkg. 2 ..

923.4 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch (EMD,etc.) 15/64w x 5/16h  pre-tinned for soldering - Pkg. 2
923.4 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch (EMD,etc.) 15/64w x 5/16h  pre-tinned for soldering - P..

923.5 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch (Baldwin,etc.)  1/8w x 7/32h - Pkg. 2
923.5 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch (Baldwin,etc.)  1/8w x 7/32h - Pkg. 2 ..

923.6 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch, fits 17/64w x 11/32h opening; pre-tinned for soldering - Pkg. 2
923.6 - Overland diesel sand fill hatch, fits 17/64w x 11/32h opening; pre-tinned for soldering - Pk..

924 - Overland chain pulley; 11/64w x 3/16 x 7/32h - Pkg. 2
924 - Overland chain pulley; 11/64w x 3/16 x 7/32h - Pkg. 2 ..

924.2 - Overland diesel nose lift lugs; 3/32h x 7/64 deep - Pkg. 2
924.2 - Overland diesel nose lift lugs; 3/32h x 7/64 deep - Pkg. 2 ..

928 - Overland diesel cab awnings,angled ends w/mounting tabs; 1-9/64w x 15/64 - Pkg. 2
928 - Overland diesel cab awnings,angled ends w/mounting tabs; 1-9/64w x 15/64 - Pkg. 2 ..

928.1 - Overland diesel cab awnings,angled ends 1-9/64w x 13/64 - Pkg. 2
928.1 - Overland diesel cab awnings,angled ends 1-9/64w x 13/64 - Pkg. 2 ..

928.2 - Overland diesel cab awnings,casting w/angled ends & angled base w/mounting tabs(SD70 etc.);primed; 1-9/64w x 9/32  - Pkg. 2
928.2 - Overland diesel cab awnings,casting w/angled ends & angled base w/mounting tabs(SD70 etc..

928.4 - Overland diesel cab awnings,squared ends w/inside taper on end; 1-3/64w x 17/64 - Pkg. 2
928.4 - Overland diesel cab awnings,squared ends w/inside taper on end; 1-3/64w x 17/64 - Pkg. 2 ..

928.5 - Overland diesel cab awnings,square w/support posts on ends; 1-3/8w x 3/16 - Pkg. 2
928.5 - Overland diesel cab awnings,square w/support posts on ends; 1-3/8w x 3/16 - Pkg. 2 ..

929 - Overland diesel walkway lights set(6),cored for bulbs,w/circuit board 1.5v - Pkg. 1 set
929 - Overland diesel walkway lights set(6),cored for bulbs,w/circuit board 1.5v - Pkg. 1 set ..

930 - O Scale Overland diesel airhorn; Hancock type 4710 on base,cored; 5/64w x 19/64L x 17/64h - Pkg. 2
930 - Overland diesel airhorn; Hancock type 4710 on base,cored; 5/64w x 19/64L x 17/64h - Pkg. 2 ..

930.1 - O Scale Overland diesel airhorn;Hancock type 4700 (FL9,etc.) 5/16w x 21/64 deep overall x 13/64h - Pkg. 2
930.1 - Overland diesel airhorn;Hancock type 4700 (FL9,etc.) 5/16w x 21/64 deep overall x 13/64h - P..

930.4 - O Scale Overland diesel airhorn;single horn on mounting bracket, 15/32L horn; 25/64H lower bracket/ 9/32h upper - Pkg. 1
930.4 - Overland diesel airhorn;single horn on mounting bracket, 15/32L horn; 25/64H lower bracket/ ..

930.6 - O Scale Overland diesel airhorn;single horn on 2 posts; 31/64L x 9/32h; plated - Pkg. 2
930.6 - Overland diesel airhorn;single horn on 2 posts; 31/64L x 9/32h; plated - Pkg. 2 ..

932 - Overland diesel airhorn;2-chime in housing (CBQ/U-Boats) 13/32L x 3/8w - Pkg. 1
932 - Overland diesel airhorn;2-chime in housing (CBQ/U-Boats) 13/32L x 3/8w - Pkg. 1 ..

935.1 - Overland diesel door handles w/lock; 3/32 long handle;3/32 w base - Pkg. 4
935.1 - Overland diesel door handles w/lock; 3/32 long handle;3/32 w base - Pkg. 4 ..

935.4 - Overland diesel door handles w/base & lip on edge; 3/32w x 1/16h base x 7/64 long handle - Pkg. 2
935.4 - Overland diesel door handles w/base & lip on edge; 3/32w x 1/16h base x 7/64 long handle..

935.5 - Overland diesel door handles w/base,no lip;  5/64 sq. base x 3/32 long handle - Pkg. 2
935.5 - Overland diesel door handles w/base,no lip;  5/64 sq. base x 3/32 long handle - Pkg. 2 ..

935.6 - Overland diesel door latch (hood doors.etc.) 3/32 x 1/16 latch handle - Pkg. 4
935.6 - Overland diesel door latch (hood doors.etc.) 3/32 x 1/16 latch handle - Pkg. 4 ..

935.9 - Overland diesel door hinge castings, 7/64w x 5/64h - Pkg. 4
935.9 - Overland diesel door hinge castings, 7/64w x 5/64h - Pkg. 4 ..

936.1 - Overland diesel porthole window,stainless, (fits 11/32 hole); 3/8 OD x 17/64 ID  - Pkg. 10
936.1 - Overland diesel porthole window,stainless, (fits 11/32 hole); 3/8 OD x 17/64 ID  - Pkg...

936.3 - Overland diesel; "Watch Your Step" (white) 15/64w x 5/64h - Pkg. 4
936.3 - Overland diesel; "Watch Your Step" (white) 15/64w x 5/64h - Pkg. 4 ..

936.5 - Overland GE (electric locos) 13/64w x 1/8h - Pkg. 2
936.5 - Overland GE (electric locos) 13/64w x 1/8h - Pkg. 2 ..

936.6 - Overland GE (electric locos)builders plate (round)logo; 11/64 diameter - Pkg. 4
936.6 - Overland GE (electric locos)builders plate (round)logo; 11/64 diameter - Pkg. 4 ..

936.7 - Overland diesel GE builders plate; 5/16w x 7/64h - Pkg. 2
936.7 - Overland diesel GE builders plate; 5/16w x 7/64h - Pkg. 2 ..

937.2 - Overland diesel GE builders plate; logo; 21/64w x 7/32h - Pkg. 2
937.2 - Overland diesel GE builders plate; logo; 21/64w x 7/32h - Pkg. 2 ..

937.4 - Overland diesel GE (UP gas turbine) 17/64w x 9/64h - Pkg. 2
937.4 - Overland diesel GE (UP gas turbine) 17/64w x 9/64h - Pkg. 2 ..

937.7 - Overland diesel Fairbanks Morse builders plate & logos; large 21/64 diameter; small(2) 13/64 diameter - Pkg. 1 set
937.7 - Overland diesel Fairbanks Morse builders plate & logos; large 21/64 diameter; small(2) 1..

937.8 - Overland diesel EMD-HTC logo plates; 11/64w x 13/64h - Pkg. 2
937.8 - Overland diesel EMD-HTC logo plates; 11/64w x 13/64h - Pkg. 2 ..